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Great Clients Deserve Great Services

What We Do
How We Ship
What We Ship
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Bridging the gap between customized shipping services and pioneering technology

We can help you stay ahead of new freight opportunities with proven strategies from our experienced team. Hand in hand, we’ll create new edge experiences, implement effective freight strategies, modernize and simplify your shipping operations with cutting-edge technology and innovative services.

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Freight Services

What We Do

Hand in hand, our clients emerge stronger and ready to take on the next challenge. Here at ASI, clients are treated as our partners. Our team attentively listens to their needs, requests and feedback. This engaging manners ensures that we are advising our clients on the best services that are highly effective and essential to the way they operate.

The range of our solutions can vary from simple transport or to complex operations.
We optimize all activities around information, material and financial flow. We provide reliable end-to-end solutions tailored to our customers’ needs with a special commitment to industry specific requirements.

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Transport Modes

How We Ship

At ASI, we minimize the challenges often associated with global shipping; giving you peace of mind and the competitive advantage needed for profitable growth.

We have deep-rooted relationships with a number of transportation agents around the world, giving you the flexibility of shipping your cargoes by air, sea or inland.

We also provide pick up and delivery services to different ports, and handle all compliance matters; saving you significant time and money.

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What We Ship

American Shipping International is here to take the pain out of freight. Dealing with multiple domestic and international rules and requirements, and connecting with carriers can be overwhelming. Yet, by partnering with us, you enjoy a single designated representative who coordinates everything.

Our global network is managed and graded against the highest standards of service delivery.

Operating in 45+ countries

Goods are loaded, secured and ready to be transported from either Sallaum ports or Grimaldi ports.

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